In 2007 thirteen faith communities joined hands to make a difference, collectively.

In 2010, our focus became housing.
Meet our Interfaith Advisory Council….

All Saints' Episcopal Church
“A sacred space for spiritual transformation in Christ.”
Reverend Amber Sturgess
Bahá'ìs of Monterey County
"Teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people.”
Travis Williams
Carmel Mission Basilica
“We warmly welcome you, and we hope you enjoy your visit with us here at the ‘Father of the California Missions!’”
Father Paul Murphy
Christian Church of Pacific Grove
“Challenging people to think for themselves and get involved in loving God by serving others.”
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
“Walking the way of Jesus through love and service.”
Father Rich Towers
Church of the Wayfarer
“Be a wellspring of love, acceptance & compassion in bringing greater wholeness to our world.”
Pastor Karla Lundin
Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula
”Our mission is to welcome independent-minded people of all ages, build a diverse Christian Community and nurture one another to love God, neighbor, and self.”
Pastor Paul Wrightman
Congregation Beth Israel
“…an inclusive and welcoming Reform Jewish congregation from diverse backgrounds joined together to celebrate Jewish culture, education, and the arts.”
Rabbi Bruce Greenbaum
Epiphany Lutheran & Episcopal Church
“…..inclusive community grounded in the gospel and compassion of Jesus Christ, embracing all individuals and families, and committed to making a difference in our world.”
Father Jon Perez
First Presbyterian Church of Monterey
“We encounter and glorify God as individuals and as a congregation through authentic worship, meaningful nurture, and relevant service.”
Reverend Mark Peake
Monterey Center for Spiritual Living
“We are a new thought center teaching the principles of Science of Mind as outlined by our founder Ernest Holmes.”
Reverend Robert Collins
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
“We are people of differing backgrounds with the common understanding that all people are on a spiritual journey.”
Saint John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
“Our Orthodox community seeks transformation in Jesus Christ and to bring people to Christ.”
Father Ion Coman
St. Philip's Lutheran Church
“We are a congregation focused on community, service, worship, and study.”
St. Mary's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
“An open and affirming community of imperfect and infinitely beloved people worshiping, learning, and working together to love God, our neighbors, and creation.”
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Monterey Peninsula
“We are brave, curious, compassionate thinkers and doers. Diverse in faith, history, ethnicity, and spirituality, we work to change our own lives and the world.”