Joining Hands to reduce homelessness
2007 marked the inauguration of an effort to affiliate local faith communities to improve our ability to serve those in need in Monterey County. The goal was—and remains—to share resources to do a better job collectively than we could do individually in outreach to our people.
2010 saw a shift in the work of IOC, and we decided to direct our efforts to Monterey County housing for those experiencing homelessness. In order to fulfill the mission, IOC obtained a tax-exempt status (501(c)(3)) as a public non-profit, and opened the Joining Hands Benefit Shop at 26358 Carmel Rancho Lane in Carmel in September of that year. With the help of donors, shoppers, and volunteers at the shop, IOC fulfills its mission by raising money to provide grants to agencies that assist with housing needs in the community.
In 2019, finding shop sales in decline, the Board reconsidered a proposal by a former employee to restructure the organization. Within months, the shop switched to a 100% volunteer force with a paid executive director. Since then, the shop has been remodeled, volunteers re-energized, and sales have improved immensely.