Food for the Soul
“A Sense of Time” is the theme for this month’s Food for the Soul readings and reflections. Join us at All Saints’ Carmel’s Grant Hall. Feel free to bring an instrument, readings, friends…. We’ll have light refreshments and coffee.

Food for the Soul Interfaith Meditation
Take this time for yourself. Nourish your soul. Relax and reflect on music, images, readings and quotes from philosophers, poets, and various religions.
Feel free to bring your own instrument or reading(s) to share. Bring a friend.
Coffee and refreshments will be available.
The entrance to Grant Hall is on Dolores, to your left in the porte cochère across from the church office door.
Holiday Open House
Join us for a festive day of shopping and holiday cheer at the shop. You’re sure to find holiday decor and items to regift for the holidays. Santa will be joining us from 1-3 pm., so be sure to bring the kiddos and grand kids!!

Celebration of Gratitude
Please join us for Interfaith Outreach of Carmel’s 16th Annual Celebration of Gratitude, where we join hands with members and leaders of our community, our grant recipients, our faith communities, volunteers, shoppers, and visitors in giving thanks. In addition to the singing by and with Carmel Mission Basilica Schola Cantorum and The Monterey Peninsula Gospel Community Choir, there will readings and short presentations by Housing Grant recipients and faith community leaders.
The event will be held Sunday, November 17, at 3:00 pm in the beautiful Carmel Mission Basilica, 3080 Rio Road, Camel-by-the-Sea. Refreshments will be served afterwards in Crespi Hall. We look forward to seeing you there!!
Questions? interfaithoutreachcarmel@gmail.com

Food for the Soul Interfaith Meditation
Soothing our souls by reflecting on music, images, and readings from philosophers, poets, and various religions.
Feel free to bring your instrument or a reading to share.
Coffee and light refreshments will be available.
The entrance to Grant Hall is on the left side of the porte cochère, across from the church office door on Dolores.

Food for the Soul
A time to relax and reflect on images, readings and quotes from philosophers, poets, and various religions-a great way to nourish your soul. There will be music also, sometimes live, so feel free to bring your instrument. Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
The entrance to Grant Hall is in the porte cochère across from the church office door on Dolores.
National Thrift Shop Day
What a wonderful day to find that perfect item that most likely is not carried in stores anymore. We have a great selection of amazing items. Celebrate by checking them out!! More details to follow.

Food for the Soul
A time to relax and reflect on images, readings and quotes from philosophers, poets, and various religions-a great way to nourish your soul. There will be music also, sometimes live, so feel free to bring your instrument. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. Our theme this week will be
The entrance to Grant Hall is in the porte cochère across from the church office door on Dolores.

July 4-6 Sale all housewares, art, lamps and mirrors 50% off
July 4 Sale all housewares, art, lamps, and mirrors 50% off

Food for the Soul
A time to relax, reflect, and nourish your soul with readings, music, and images in a tranquil environment….with meditations from philosophers poets, and spiritual leaders that can transform our lives and our communities. We invite you to join us. Feel free to bring your musical instrument if desired. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.

Food for the Soul
Join us each month for nourishment for the soul during our interfaith devotional at All Saints’ Church’s Grant Hall with readings and music from numerous faiths and philosophers.
Grant Hall’s entrancd is located in the portecache, on Dolores south of Ninth, across from the office, to the left of church office.

“Yes, In God's Backyard” Informational Forum
“Yes in God’s Backyard“ (YIGBY Housing) is an innovative affordable housing solution.” Faith communities hold acres of land and much of it is already zoned for housing. It can most likely accommodate residential with no property tax….As cities grapple with where and how to build more affordable housing, identifying land that could support new development has become a top priority. One option that offers a potential solution: expanding the ability of religious institutions to build housing on their land. Churches, as well as other faith-based organizations, often own underutilized land and/or structures which could be used to expand the supply of affordable housing. Doing so would provide significant untapped benefits for the organization, from supporting the organization’s charitable mission to providing revenue that can stabilize the organization’s finances. Turner Center for Housing Innovation UC Berkeley
Yet faith-based organizations face significant challenges in leveraging their property for housing…” Learn about these and more. Panel participants will include Kate Daniels, Monterey County Supervisor, Geoffrey Morgan, President and CEO of Chispa Housing, and Anastasia Wyatt, Housing Manager to the City of Monterey.
Seating is limited, so rsvp’s are requested. Call 831-373-4441 for your reservation or email cooleylaura17@gmail.com

International Market @ Joining Hands Benefit Shop
We will be featuring international treasures from all over the world have been donated by our generous donors. Come check us out as often as you can, as new itms will be added daily.

Food for the Soul
Join us for spiritual nourishment for the soul as we reflect on images, readings and quotations from philosophers and various religions. There will be music also, sometimes live, so feel free to bring your instrument.
The entrance to Grant Hall is in the porte cochère across from the church office door on Dolores.

Carmel by-the-Sea Earth & Arbor Day
Join us at the City of Carmel’s Earth & Arbor Day event at Devendorf Park on Saturday, April 20, 2024, coming together to celebrate people and our planet with tree planting, environmental initiatives, and community resources. See you there! 🌎🌳💛
#EarthDay #ArborDay #Community #PeopleAndPlanet #LocalNonprofits

Special Needs Trusts and Your Loved One-VIRTUAL
Learn how to secure your loved one’s future by creating a Special Needs Trust during this online event sponsored by Interim, Inc.

Solving Homelessness-A Community Conversation
Moderator Sara Rubin, award-wining editor of Monterey County Weekly, will moderate a conversation on possible solutions with Roxanne Wilson, Monterey County’ first Director of Homeless Services and Anastacia Wyatt, Housing Manager for the City of Monterey. Wilson was previously the Executive Director of the Coalition of Homeless Services Providers. Wyatt has orked i housing and community development for over 25 years.

A Case for Love - Movie - January 23 only
“Our society is more divided than ever. Many have moved into tribal corners, seeing the world from an ‘us versus them’ point of view. The teachings and writings of Bishop Michael Curry, most well-known for his passionate sermon about ‘The Power of Love’ at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, inspire A CASE FOR LOVE. This feature-length documentary examines the question of whether or not love, specifically - unselfish-love, is the solution to the extreme societal and political divide facing the world.’ i

The Gospel of Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective of Peace
“Peacemaker, author and Nobel Prize Nominee, Father John Dear, will be with us to talk about and sign copies of his new book, his life’s work: The Gospel of Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective of Nonviolence. It is the first ever commentary on the Synoptic Gospels from the perspective of active nonviolence in the tradition of Gandhi and Dr. King. In this original work, Fr. John walks us through the three synoptic Gospels pointing out Jesus’ practice and teachings on nonviolence, peace, and universal love and invites us to follow him. Join us at 7 PM on January 11 in San Carlos Cathedral Hall for an inspirational call to action! [Fr. John Dear’s The Gospel of Peace is an invitation to go beyond a conceptual consideration of peace to the living of peace, especially as a condition and an attribute of discipleship to Jesus. Cardinal Peter Turkson, Vatican City]”

Shop closed for the Holidays-refreshing and for volunteer respite
Cleaning the shop and bringing in new inventory for the New Year.

Food for the Soul
Soul food-so comforting…Renew your spirit and bring comfort to your soul at Food for the Soul. Breathe in music, readings from multi-cultural authors and philosophers, and beautiful images. Participate by bringing a reading, music, quote, or beautiful image. You can also meditate while others share their contributions.
Food for the Soul, an Interfaith Devotional gathering, is on the 4th Saturday of each month, held in the smaller room of the Carmel American Legion. Feel free to bring a friend or friends. Themes include:
December- Planet Dreams

Food for the Soul - Nov. 25
Soul food-so comforting…Renew your spirit and bring comfort to your soul at Food for the Soul. Breathe in music, readings from multi-cultural authors and philosophers, and beautiful images. Participate by bringing a reading, music, quote, or beautiful image. You can also meditate while others share their contributions.
Food for the Soul, an Interfaith Devotional gathering, is on the 4th Saturday of each month, held in the smaller room of the Carmel American Legion. Feel free to bring a friend or friends. Themes include:
November- Ode to Giving
December- Planet Dreams

15th Annual Day of Gratitude Celebration
Please join us for Interfaith Outreach’s 15th Annual Celebration of Gratitude Sunday, November 19, 2:00 p.m. at Carmel Mission Basilica, featuring Carmel Mission Basilica Schola Cantorum and The Monterey Peninsula Gospel Community Choir and short presentations by three 2022 Housing Grant recipients and three faith community leaders.

Shuman HeartHouse Opening House
Shuman HeartHouse will accommodate up to 35 individuals or families with children, providing much needed temporary housing and meals as well as a variety of supportive services designed to lead to permanent housing. Shuman HeartHouse is built on the success of Casa De Noche Buena, CHS’ shelter for women and families in Seaside, where approximately 70% of shelter guests have exited to transitional or permanent housing.

Food for the Soul - Oct. 28
Soul food-so comforting…Renew your spirit and bring comfort to your soul at Food for the Soul. Breathe in music, readings from multi-cultural authors and philosophers, and beautiful images. Participate by bringing a reading, music, quote, or beautiful image. You can also meditate while others share their contributions.
Food for the Soul, an Interfaith Devotional gathering, is on the 4th Saturday of each month, held in the smaller room of the Carmel American Legion. Feel free to bring a friend or friends. Themes include:
October- No Man is an Island
November- Ode to Giving
December- Planet Dreams

2023 Lead Me Home Summit
Join the Coalition of Homeless Service Providers (CHSP) at the 2023 Lead Me Home Summit, where policymakers, stakeholders and people with lived experience of homelessness will discuss effective strategies to reduce homelessness in Monterey & San Benito Counties. The Summit is free and lunch will be provided to all participants. Make your reservation today.

Dr Emma Katz presents Coercive Control
“One in four women and one in nine men will experience sexual or physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime…” To learn more about Coercive Control register for Dr. Emma Katz’s online presentation.

IOC 2023 Grant Deadline - Sept. 30
More details on grant requirements can be found here:

50% OFF STOREWIDE Anniversary Sale Wrap Up
That’s correct! Everything in the shop is on sale. Help us “clean out” the shop to prepare for the upcoming holidays.