Joining Hands to make a difference.
In 2024 our volunteers raised $210,000 that was granted to eleven nonprofit agencies to help those experiencing homelessness in Monterey County.
emergency shelter,
re-entry and rapid re-entry,
transitional, and
permanent supportive housing.
Recipients include agencies providing
2024 Housing Grant Recipients are:
The Carmel Foundation, Senior Housing
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Monterey, Financial Stability Program
Community Homeless Solutions, increase emergency shelter capacity
Community Human Services, Casa de Noche Buena
Dorothy’s Place, House of Peace
The Housing Resource Center of Monterey County, Landlord Gold Standard Program
I-HELP, Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program
Interim, Inc., Marina Kai Apartments
Sober Living for Women, transitional housing
The Salvation Army of the Monterey Peninsula, temporary housing for families
Sun Street Centers, Salinas Sober Living